automatically connect to agent/send custom message...
# 👀feature-requests
It would be nice to have the option to send a custom message to the user when the chatbot (for whatever reason) stops answering in the middle of conversation.
Thanks for the suggestion!
So either the message or the connection to an agent, correct?
yes i'm thinking that a custom message would be easier to implement ATM; if the chatbot is experiencing a problem with the connection to the LLM(s)/a bug on the server/an unexpected error, it would be useful to send an automatic message to the user letting him know that it's unavailable for the moment. IDK if it's possible as I'm a no-coder, but it would make my life easier and the user experience would skyrocket
a warning would be nice - yeah. Right now it seems like the conversation just gets stuck
Adding this to our internal list of things that could be improved. Not sure when or if this will get prioritized. But will try pushing for it, thanks. 🙂