KB: Offer statistics
# 👀feature-requests
Seriously 😉 Both on the whole KB and all elements. * Total number of documents * Total number of Vectors Right now it is flying blind. Not funny.
Good point
Thanks for the suggestion!
What would be the purpose, how would this data help you?
Because it would be something to check numbers. "Oh, that is changed, lets upload the new stuff": Not sure you get my context, but I am dewaling with multipel KB that have significantly more than hundred - soon nearly a thousand - documents in them. This is something to show a client. And it is TRIVIAL to implement, after all you already show a list - so a sum or count is trivial as heck.
Got you got you. Makes sense for many docs
Knowledge base stats are super helpful especially if your building bots in the domain of education. You want to be able to track what’s engaging and what’s not.
THat acutally would be the next one - track hits in vectors. If an element is used, add up a counter. You are right - nice for pruning kb