being able to put in a custom image
# 👀feature-requests
a custom image without having to use CSS. Because a lot of users here dont know CSS, add some more features to the styler, please, im talking about 10 people here that dont want to do CSS
Where would this custom image display?
in the background, bot header, chat inbox
mostly in the background i think
Here are a few things you could try in order to customise the appearance to your needs: .bpw-header-container (400px x 120px), this is the top of the chatbot which contains the chatbot name/details etc. If you plan to use an image in those dimensions, ideally you'd have an image double this size to cater for high res screens. To implement this via CSS: .bpw-header-container { background-image: url(path-to-image); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; } Or if its a tile image (something that repeats), in this case the image would be a square tile. The "background-position" is optional, but can be used to tweak the tile positioning. .bpw-header-container { background-image: url(path-to-image); background-position: center center; background-repeat: repeat; } .bpw-msg-list-container - this is the background behind the conversation. .bpw-composer - this is the block that wraps the user imput field. .bpw-composer textarea - this is the input field contained in the above. Ideally consider accessibility here, always aim to have something that's readable for all users.