The ability to control the personality agent in th...
# 👀feature-requests
Hello everyone, I was hoping for a way to create different personalities to the personality agent and set each personality in a variable so I would use that personality in the flow depending on the user input. For example : if the user talks in English I want the personality agent to behave a certain way or have a certain accent, and if the user talks in French for example the agent should behave in a different way or have a specific accent, I hope that my idea is clear enough 😅. On a side note : while I was testing the personality agent, I noticed that the personality comes first regardless of the user language. So if I said something like " you speak only in English and you talk like a cowboy". The conversation will follow these exact instructions despite of the user did talk in Spanish and the translator agent was on, Don't know if this note is useful but I thought I share it 😅. Thank you all for your support and effort 🙏
This is possible now!
The personality agent can read form usr variables
Thanks a lot 🙏, can I dm you, if you don't mind?
Sure 🙂