Editor: handle connectiosn as first class citzizen...
# 👀feature-requests
Right now I can not click on a connection and see where it goes, and the delete button is only there while i hover over it. This gets unusable super fast when multipe connections overlap. I suggest: * You treat connections as first class citizens that can get focus by a click on them. This means I can move to the delete button without loosing focus * You change the color of the avtive connection, the one that has focus - which allows much easier to follow one specific connection when they overlap.
Thank you Tom for the feedback and the ideas 🙂
I believe @faint-pager-56395 is already working on something.. to make things easier!
I'll let him jump in!
Make changes on it today!
That's a great news !
That would be nice - I start finding the current implementation extremely hindering. And I see no real way to reduce the number of connections - only havbing 9 cards so far 😉