Visual control of the connecting lines between nod...
# 👀feature-requests
I'd absolutely love the option to pick how the lines connect between nodes. It'd make working on my chatbot a breeze and keep everything visually neat. To be honest, I'm a stickler for structure – without it, I tend to get a bit lost! 😅. Also, it'd be awesome to have some control over the girth and colors, but I see that as a nice bonus. Just to give you an idea, I really like how Lucidchart handles this in their user interface.
Thanks for sharing @hundreds-afternoon-92348 .
Do you happen to have a screenshot of what you like with Lucidchart?
Hey there! Sorry for the late reply; work's been keeping me pretty busy. Anyway, here's an example for you. If you check it out, when two shapes connect, a line pops up, and it takes the shortest route between them. But here's the cool part - if you click on that line, you can tweak it however you want. So you can make it look really nice and neat. Instead of having a messy diagram, we can have nice, clear lines. Plus, you can enhance them by changing the color, thickness, and even adding notes inside if you want, but that's an extra bonus.
I honestly believe this would make the interface 100 times better. I've been working in Botpress for about 3 months, and that is the only thing I have an issue with
Thank you so much 🙂
This is helpful to understand exactly what you'd like to see in Botpress.
If you have friends who also use Botpress, have them upvote this feature-request.
This will grab the product team's attention !
Well, among other things, easily: * Arrows along the lines showing the flow
* Coloring * MOVING THEM. A good part of my lines go through nodes instead of around them. Either let us move them manually, or buy a routing library to layout the routes (but still rather let us organize manually) Right now it turns VERY ugly VERY fast
Thanks Tom!
@faint-pager-56395 for visibility
Thanks for the ideas and inspiration all!
Jusa as ida how bad it is - look at ANY demo. The main workflow of teh bot I have working now has ONLY 9 nodes and it STILL has some lines crossing through most of them - there is no way to route them "around" what is essentially the central flow from left to right