<@368829146584842242> If I add the single choice o...
# đź’»developers
@fresh-fireman-491 If I add the single choice option at the top, then the hyperlinks don't show up
Lets start from the beginning. What is it that you are trying to do?
Are you trying to have hyper links that the user can click and then an action will be taken on their device, like going to another page or something like that. Or are you trying to have something the user can click and something will happen in your workflow, like going to a specific node to send the user some specific contact information.
Sorry for the mix up, I’m fairly new to Botpress!
I’m trying to have a combination of hyperlinks (websites etc), and a workflow button too
So just like this ⬆️. I was hoping that it just something simple that I don’t know about. But it’s not the end of the world if it’s not possible
An alternative I thought might be possible was to have all the hyperlinks as choices on the multiple choice card, but I don’t think it supports hyperlinks?
I can't get it to support hyper links either, maybe that something for #1111026806254993459 What if you made the "Please pick an option below:" a single choice card and then added the Main menu there. The button will be above but maybe that is better than having "Or alternatively"
I will give that a go. Thank you Decay
Hi @fresh-fireman-491 Unfortunately doing the above prevents the hyperlinks from show up completely!
Oh yes ofc. That is my bad. You have to pick something before it can continue to the hyper links. I am sorry for wasting your time there. I am running low on time today and I can't think of a solution right now. I will get back to you tomorrow around this time where I will be able to try some things. Sorry about that
@breezy-army-53326 here’s the convo I was having on that button issue
@fresh-fireman-491 any more news on this?
Oh, I am so sorry @adventurous-fireman-68085 I completely forgot about this. I can't think of a good way to do this right now. You could do something like Would you like to contact us on WhatsApp (hyperlink) Email (hyperlink) Phone (hyperlink) Or would you like to go somewhere else? Main menu (button) Else you could add a hidden character but it looks a bit weird (picture)
These are my thoughts, you the Botpress team should be avaiablable in a few hours if not now, so maybe you could create a post in #1111009377525186570 and one of them has a solution for you