Can someone help me understand ai spend please? I...
# đź’»developers
Can someone help me understand ai spend please? I need someone to talk to with botpress pricing
Hi there. What actions consume AI tokens? Any action that requires AI capabilities will consume AI tokens, applicable both in conversation with the bot and in the Studio while building. Here are a few examples: ‍ • Knowledge Base ingestion & answering • Personality Agent rewrites • Translator Agent language identification & message translation • Summary Agent conversation summarization • AI Task, AI Transition, and AI Generate Text cards • Execute Code card's generative AI code assist • Capture cards • Making Table columns searchable • Transforming user sentences to a vector What happens after my monthly $5 AI Spend credit is completely consumed? After your monthly $5 AI Spend credit is completely consumed, you will have to increase your AI Spend limit in your workspace for you or your bot to continue performing AI-based actions within that month. All AI Spend that exceeds $5 in a month will be charged to the credit card corresponding to the workspace. AI Spend is calculated based on LLM tokens usage. Alternatively, you can also wait until the next monthly period for your AI Spend credits to reset. You can contact Botpress' sales team here: or you can create a post in #1111009377525186570 and I would be happy to further assist in there
how can i expect what will i pay? i mean how many ai tokens do i have. what action worth how many tokens? thank you
You have $5 AI Spend credit. AI Spend is calculated based on LLM tokens usage. There is currently no reliable way to accurately estimate the AI Spend. Botpress' product team is working on adding visibility into every aspect of the Studio that uses LLMs so users are able to track how many AI tokens each conversation costs. Forecasting the total AI Spend could then be calculated by multiplying the cost per average conversation by forecasted production volumes. Every action uses a different amount of tokens. It all depends on what the action is. If you have a simple prompt to a simple and small knowledge base it wont cost much but if your Knowledge base if big it will cost more. Botpress doesn't add anything on top of the token price from OpenAI so you will only be charged for the actual amount that you used and not some extra fee from Botpress' side.
thank you so much
Any time and if you have any further questions let me know
can i talk with you in dm please
Yes ofc