Hi, quick question.. what parts of botpress are ac...
# 💻developers
Hi, quick question.. what parts of botpress are actually open source? If I want to build a chatbot with botpress what all options do I have?
Asking since this repo https://github.com/botpress/botpress mentions open source
Hi there @tall-vr-80043 I believe that you have 2 options. Building it in the cloud (recommended) or using the V12 which hasn't been updated since the end of June 2023. If you would like some more information about the V12 you can go to #1112845893931110402 You can also read the docs here: https://botpress.com/docs/
Thank you. Can we expect any updated to V12 soon?
Unfortunately I don't think so. I am pretty sure they fully stopped working on it since they have the cloud.