Algebra bot workflow explanation shorts
# 📖tutorials
@crooked-van-25152 @famous-jewelry-85388 @quick-musician-29561 I ended up getting the second one knocked out this evening and went ahead and moved both parts to this post with a cope of the exported bot as well for anyone who wants to download, import, and follow along! For those who have not already seen some of this series I still have a few more parts to complete it so stay tuned! I intend to also do a full breakdown of the Table and how I set it up. This covers so many different topics quickly, including using workflows, variables, expressions, AI Generate Text Cards, Tables and detailed discussion of how it all ties together. Please feel free to reach out with questions or comments. All critique positive or negative is appreciated!
Amazing man 🙂
Thanks for the tag 🙂
I thought you are going to publish it on YouTube!
I did publish it there as well but I also do not want to break the no self advertisement policy and I feel it would be a slippery slope probably just me being paranoid
Integrity is key and if I think it is slippery I cant stand on that so I uploaded here
I am delighted and glade 🙂
You are amazing man 🙂
I appreciate it while I feel I fall far short of that I appreciate the compliment and the opportunity to work with the truly amazing people in the community.
I have been completely motivated by being present here
now Botpress team should be blushing 🙂
Its true you all have something very special here that I am happy to be a part of and actually be able to contribute and grow and learn as well as share what I learn.
@crooked-van-25152 look at this 👆
I will definitely get the next two out ASAP but I am ready for a break for sure... COD and brain break lol. Honestly I have told a lot of folks here I just outgrew the job I work Monday to Friday and just started playing with botpress maybe 8 10 months ago. I love it but then when I found this community it has been amazing to speak to others and see how they think and solve problems and get motivation and new ideas. The growth is so addictive
Hey next time, totally feel free from sharing your YouTube link!
You’re helping the community, the minimum is that we bring traffic to your YouTube channel 😉
Thanks I really appreciate that, but I truly believe that would be not right on my part. So I absolutely appreciate it but I will abstain
The growth is so addictive. Love it 🥰🚀
So addictive and necessary the growth is amazing because I can not get it just anywhere.
Thanks again for your hard work. We’re so lucky to have you 😌!!!
@famous-jewelry-85388 @crooked-van-25152 have a great weekend you all I appreciate you! and I am the lucky one
Enjoy your well deserved weekend 😉 talk on Monday!
We are going to get along great lol
Yes sir!
Great Team 😮 🔥
Alright it's Sunday and I am wrapping this part up before work tomorrow. I figured it made better since to keep it altogether instead of making a new post. All feedback good, bad, indifferent appreicated! Thanks
Very good 👏