Pre-Populate Calendly Invite Link with Variables. ...
# 📖tutorials
Here's how I got my bot to pre-populate my Calendly invite by using a formatted markdown link in the text card to render a hyperlink with variables. ✨ Note: The pretty markdown link and URL will break if you use variables that render strings which include spaces (example: A notes section from the lead capture) It breaks because the spaces within the notes mess up the URL string. (Maybe someone can come up with an improvement on the notes part -- Personally I haven't tried an AI task method yet.) [I used THIS resource on how to pre-populate a Calendly invite link]( shared by @famous-jewelry-85388 in the #1111026806254993459 🪡 [Calendly Integration]( Thanks for the tip! Here's the code I used in my text field to get the result in my screenshot. ⚙️ Cheers. ✌🏼 I to edit this post to take out my URL... I got a few test signups.
Select an available time and start your journey. [Book Your Free 30 Minute AI Strategy Call :calendar: Now](<<USE YOUR LINK HERE>>?name={{workflow.chatbotLeadName.first}}%20{{workflow.chatbotLeadName.last}}&email={{workflow.chatbotLeadEmail}}&a1={{workflow.chatbotLeadPhone}})
Thanks for sharing this with the community @gentle-engine-13076 ❤️
Thanks for the mention 🙂
Thanks for the tip!
My pleasure! 💁🏻‍♀️
i dont understadn ( sorry ) but it looks cool
Real quick I'll run through an overview. Calendly is a scheduling platform. They use links to share invitations to a calendar where people can book a call etc. If you know how to create and store variables in Botpress, then you can use them to make the invitations pre-fill the information gathered in the chatbot. The result for users is time saving (not having to rewrite all of their info in the Calendly invite).
i know what calendly is lol. but why do you use insert table ?
does your table have the link in ?
Insert record is more for the bigger bot design. It's not related to the link.
I figure you know what Calendly is 😉, but gotta start w/ covering all bases.
No. Currently table is not storing the custom link. Only loading it for this one text card.
wow you are advanced, teach my your ways, ill be your jedy
LOL 😆 Just keep hacking. That's the whole trick.
you know what rizz is right ?
my friend told me this yesterday
let me hack into your DMS
wait so why did you use the table
lead capture inside botpress table. haven't added an API call yet.
in house organizing
why dont you just save the user info into a table ?
it does that
but just use a capture card no need for a API key
ohhh you wat to save it and send it to a google sheet right ?
That's the plan for later versions of this bot, yes.
ok now i understand
Thanks @gentle-engine-13076
Once the Calendly app scheduled. Focus comes back to the chatbot? If so, how do you handle this?
It's pretty basic. The link opens a new window which stays open after booking to display the confirmation. The original window with chat stays open on the last message.
Thank you @gentle-engine-13076 for sharing.
Thanks for your prompt response. Without user getting navigated to chat window. Is there a way to open as a popup?
There's probably a way with an iframe (and maybe someone else done it), but I've not tried to create anything else for the schedule window.
@freezing-carpenter-9818 is this of any help for you?
Hi Sabrina, this is pretty cool, but not what I am looking for. The difficultly is using the calendly pop up widget to open the pop up within the same window. I know it’s possible as I have seen been done before
I see! I believe you have already added it to the #1111026806254993459 , right?
Yes many moons ago, I know Sly mentioned you guys are working on a proper integrated version but just trying to figure out a solution until then
hey @freezing-carpenter-9818, Let's start a new thread in #1111009377525186570 . Maybe I can help 🙂 Do you have the code that opens the popup?