How to Automaticly Send Emails using Botpress and ...
# 📖tutorials

Here is a link to a YouTube Tutorial I made showing how to Automaticly Send an Email after a bot user fills out a form or submits their information requesting help!! Here is a link to the Blog post if you like reading more than watching!
Yayyyy! Thanks for sharing
You even have a blog! Wow 🙂 good work @dazzling-army-23945
Where's your ambassador application? 🥹
@crooked-van-25152 Haha thanks!! 🙂 I was working with Ethan a while back on getting a bot submitted for review, however I got really busy with integrating botpress into my hometown city government and put it on pause for a while. I did a huge presentation to the Mayor and everything and he loved it. I think he's going to hire me on to implement botpress into our local government!
Oh wowww!!!! That's amazing 😉 congrats on that. if ever you also want to apply to the botbassador program! Just added the link for you
We're always on the lookout for new botbassadors!
@crooked-van-25152 just filled it out now!
Hi everyone, I have issue with this topic. Tried to integrate with Zapier and Make but I am getting Network error - undefined. Execute code “inline-ins-cs518f6a5b9.js” Is anybody able to help me? Thanks in advance.
@lemon-machine-60006 Can you send a screenshot of your code and your bots workflow?
Hello Jimmyy, it started working after some time. In general I have still same error message but flow works, after few minutes message is sent to Make and transsfered to email and google sheets. Thanks for support 🙂
Now I have other issue with Viber integration, it is working but default look of bot is really bad ( much better on Telegram). Not sure how I can modify view of bot..