online course FAQ bot and helper
# šŸ¤help
i want to use botpress to create a chatbot within an online teach program. the program contains / teaches more than 1 strategy. i want to present buttons to the user on the first instance so they can choose which strategy they want to ask a question about and then i want the bot to base its answers only on the items in the knowledgebase that refer to that strategy. is this easy to do, eg how do i segment the knowledge base. is it also easy to have the bot suggest to the user where they may find more detailed information in the program by giving it an index of the videos within the online program that are relevant to each strategy. if i get stuck building a bot is this the place to go? does not press have a good help feature to answer questions such as this and i just canā€™t find it? also iā€™m not sure which product i need. the base product the middle product or the hub. thank in advance for any help. iā€™ve looked at lots of you tube videos but havenā€™t found anything that shows how to segment the knowledge base and tag different elements into a group around one subject. thank you in advance for any help.
Hey there, You can choose which KBs to query on each card So you would just create a flow based on the strategy, and go to the flow that only query the relevant KBs.
You could create a table with each topic, and then a webpage. Then make a custom query with the Query Knowledge Bases card. This custom query would look for the links in the table, based on the topic or the users question. Could look like this: "Find webpages that about {{workflow.userQuestion}}"
You can always come here and create a new post here in #1111009377525186570 when ever you are stuck.
thankyou, that makes perfect sense. didnā€™t know i could have multiple knowledge bases. thatā€™s great. I really appreciate your help
You are very welcome! Have a great weekend