Dividing user usage for membership
# 🤝help
#1116045108614287380 Hi there, 1) Can we limit the usage separately for each user.  In other words, can we set different limits for different users based on the number of credits they have. 2) Can I create separate accounts for multiple users and assign credits to each account to monetize each one separately? 3) Can we embed the bot as a frame(box) instead of a bot circle to our site? 4) Can we sell the created bots to other businesses? Thanks and regards #1116045108614287380
3) Check in Discord or youtube for "full screen"
4) Contact sales@botpress.com
2) no, monetization is per workspace
1) You can have a table with limits per user, then you can check that table at the beggining of each conversation
How can I get the usage data of a specific chatbot? I want to update the usage in google sheets for each chatbot.
You can sync it to a google sheets using hooks
how to get the usage data of a bot from the dashboard to the spreadsheet in a sync manner.
Can anyone help me on this? #1111009377525186570