Hi, Having problems with my Botpress.
# 🤝help
Worked fine before. Can someone please help? Se screenshots #1116045108614287380 I am getting two bugs, one where it always types in ,@workflow aloutput and then it just keeps repeating the same answer. Anyone knows how I can solve this? Worked perfectly before https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1221774544008642710/1221774544239460384/image.png?ex=6613cd36&is=66015836&hm=e770642bed127dcc2a456dd2776317610d08022f6dd011a436afe8b4422ca9d2& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1221774544008642710/1221774544478539856/image.png?ex=6613cd36&is=66015836&hm=41aacf19800da4335444cbc3ee398459e588e79a3881ebdea83e649c58437f05&
To solve your problem, would be great to have pictures of your bot editing space where you have all your cards and nodes
Hi! Where can I find this?
Hello @adamant-state-21623 did you build your bot in code or did you build it in the Botpress Studio? Below is what I ean when I say studio https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1221774544008642710/1221861749549039656/image.png?ex=66141e6e&is=6601a96e&hm=130cd0862937bc1cb6213e3e83a84492736b0d9193944f84e6b956d19b83f6ed&
Ah what does your AI output task look like?
Have you set your Knowledge agent's manual answering to ON?
How do i do this?
The problem I have now is that once I have asked a follow up question, it never replies back... I dont really understand why. I connected the End node but still nothing... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1221774544008642710/1222541272586256394/image.png?ex=66169749&is=66042249&hm=8601817e0ab54580d532b78e863d633ebab4536024ca857a1c00b0f665facbf8&
So the user's last response is going to be in the transcript. I would recommend fleshing out your prompt in the AI Task a bit more. I would not include the transcript and the last answer. You could go with one or the other depending on how you want to sculpt your prompt. Here is a good course that is free and about 1.5 hours to do on prompt engineering. https://www.datacamp.com/courses/understanding-prompt-engineering
the end node ends the conversation, which is why its not replying back. here is another post I helped someone with that I think will be helpful for you https://discord.com/channels/1108396290624213082/1222221267466190908