Different SaaS
# 🌎general
The way it differs is that: - there's powerful and complex platform like voiceflow and botpress that enables you to build anything but it's difficult for non tech. - there's simple and stupid platform like chatbase that let you build only Q&A and nothing else. Mine would be something in the middle, where you can develop, with the same simplicity of chatbase, complex AI assistant you would build with voiceflow/botpress. You don't build the features, you pick the already built features. Similar to chatsimple.ai but more customizable so it's good for more use cases
How will it be less difficult, when you also want to use building blocks, like in Botpress and VoiceFlow? I have looked at chatsimple.ai, and it doesn't seem to be easier.
I don't plan to use building blocks exactly like botpress and voiceflow when you can choose the exact message in a specific place. The building blocks are more like: 1. Answer question to be enabled through the whole chat 2. Make a question 3. Listen to an event (like user is interested, or a specific answer from a question) 4. Make action (like book to calendar, send notification, set followup...) But it won't be like "start here and finish here" message by message. It's more, configure the functionalities, then what events to listen and what action to trigger But you don't have to develop the listening and action feature, just use it. Is it clear from my explanation?
Yea okay, I can see that. It sounds like an interesting idea! There's definitely a demand for solutions like these, but there's also a lot of competition. I know some other people that are working building a chatbot creating platform, with the same goal as you, so you will have to stand out in some way, and have some great marketing, so people can see you, and your products. I think its doable, especially if you can keep up with the competition and new innovations. An important thing for a small new "niche" company is to have the ability to quickly adapt. Be quick to incorporate new software, solutions, and LLM models, but its even more important to keep going, and not stopping, even though you might change paths in the process. I wish you the best of luck!🤞
Thanks for the feedback my man!
You are very welcome!