Trying to connect a GPT with Botpress, but it give...
# 🤝help
How can I solve this? It always gives me this error and no other details is presented in the error details, only that you will be notified. Pls help! Thank uu!
Hey there, Do you have sufficient funds in your OpenAI account? I think you need $5 in there
Yes, I have 5$ exactly kewk
And you are on your GPT while deploying it?
Not going to another page
Can you try again, and make sure that the API key and PAT is 100% correct
Hey Decay, everything is correct, as I have just pasted it from chatgpt and so on, nothing had changed. Everything worked correctly, and it also showed me where to place the bot "In my workspace in botpress", but then it gave me this error.
Alrighty, lets hope Patric has an answer
Maybe the gpt i have created needs to be set as public? But I dont really want that tbh.
Mine was set to Only me
Aight that's good news that is it not because of that LOL
I'll wait for a reply from Patric 😄
Thank you!
@acceptable-gold-88171 we need your 🧠 !
Hey! Is there any update on this?
can you share a screenshot of the error message that you're getting?
Are you running this from the GPT editor page?
I would re-publish, and from the GPT editor page re-run it
If there are files, I would re-upload them, or try re-building the GPT.
thank you Patrick
Oh lawrd, i have to make the gpt again? 😭 i trained it a crap ton
That is the only thing i am getting when im trying to use the chrome extension
I am going to my creaged gpt, it recognises it, but it doesnt let me link it up with botpress
You don't have to make the GPT again.
Then how should I proceed?
Is it public-facing? can you share a link?
It s not public, should I make it public?
We’re just trying to understand how you set up your gpt.
Maybe try recreating a gpt to see if it works
Hey, I tried to do it again one more time, but it gives me the same error:
As you can see here, I have the 5$ in my acc
Isn't there any other way to deploy the GPT into Botpress without the extension? I tried it from 2 different PC's
I have also tried to duplicate the gpt, and it still failed
I am trying to deploy it from this page, is it correct?
And as I can see from here, it seems that the Botpress API is trying to make a connection, but it fails somewhere
I'll let @User answer this thread.
Hello! Still no response on this thread. Is there anyone who can assist me with this issue? I am still unable to do it
@acceptable-gold-88171 , @crooked-van-25152
Hey there, It's been Easter and the weekend, which means the team is not in the office. It's still a holiday here in Denmark, but I am not sure if it's also in Canada. So maybe they will be back today or tomorrow. Patience is key, when we are on community support 🙂
We're back 🙂 Thanks @fresh-fireman-491 !
Hello! I have managed to sort it out guys 😄 Not sure what the issue was, it just worked all of a sudden LOL.
However, I have another question if I may. The thing is that the bot is not answering the questions correctly, but I want my employees to be able to intervene at any time in the conversation of the bot with the customer. How can I do it? Or maybe, whenever the bot got into a conclusion with the customer, an employee can take over or something. I am not sure yet how to do this, but I want to make sure that this is possible
From what I checked, I am unable to get whatsapp on a phone as it is connected via API
Or maybe the bot should be able to send the customer a button which they can press to be redirected towards a link, from where someone can reach out back to them by filling the form on that link