If I want to feature a subscription to increase ac...
# 🤝help
What should I do? is there something builtin within botpress to use or should I use an external payment gateway? has anyone tried this before?
@purple-dream-91712 while probably not the exact solution you are looking for you could implement a passphrase for use. That was what I always tried was to have subscribers provide emails and email a password to those who have access. Setup was interesting because you basically set a question for the password and two cards for expression one that is "workflow.pass === pass12345" that if the users input matches the set passcode they can use the bot but if they do not have password they can not access. I think it is a solid way to limit the users but it might also be interesting to see if they could include a subscription in the botpress solution itself
I forgot to mention the other expression when the user inputs the wrong password simply loops back to the password question so it can not progress with out the right pas word
yess I am familiar with this solution and it's actually great, thanks a lot for your input. I believe the main question here is the actual pay portal (technically), what does botpress offer or should I redirect them to an external pay portal?
@crooked-van-25152 is there a built-in subscription solution that would determine if the user is subscribed, and when the subscription ends the status of the user would change?
There is not, but you can use a table. Store everyone that is subscribed to the table, then check if the user is in that table. Can be done with a simple login system. If you can check if they are subscribed, on your website, then you can add it to the userData, and check that as the first thing in your workflow.
Can you explain a little how we can check a subscription?
Where can you normally see if they are subscribed?
Do they login on your website?
No the only login is via the chatbot
we don't want to restrict it to a website
Where are you storing the data about the users who are subscribed?
I am still exploring options, so I don't have any fixed place to put this data. I would like to hear what would be the optimal solution for this
Would the subscription only have to be checked on Botpress
and have 2 routes on for the subs and one for free version
Then store the information in a table in Botpress. Make a simple login system that checks if they are subscribed or not
Thanks a lot Decay! 😄
You are very welcome
@purple-dream-91712 we have Stripe integration 🙂
Awesome! Thanks a lot 😄