I need the streaming response feature (AI generat...
# 👀feature-requests
if not, are there any possibilities ti get the status message I can show the waiting user? i.e. AI Task running and showing a progress-animation?
Hey there, There should already be 3 dots showing that its doing something
Thanks, but this is not user friendly. Our clients pay attention to Bot-UX. A progress bar would be the minimum.😃
I think it's going to be really hard to make a progress bar. There are so many steps it has to go through. I really don't think a progress bar would look that good, it would also be very volatile. I think streaming the responses would be the best, but having the 3 typing dots is also pretty good. The dots are pretty standard for all messaging platforms
Meanwhile there are some Bot-Platforms with streaming feature. Waiting up to 2 minutes for long text outputs is too long. I must consider to change the Bot Tool.
The dots only appear shortly before the answer. 🙁
When are you waiting up to 2 minutes?
When are you waiting up to 2 mintes?
After the user has entered a longer text, the AI generate Text Card should produce a longer text from the input. This takes approx. 1 min.
This is the time ChatGPT needs to generate the text too, but the streaming output on ChatGPT is more comfortable, because you can read the text.
@damp-airport-17628 did you find another bot that does allow for streamed responses?