Auto Translate Answer According user language dyna...
# 🤝help
I am facing some issues with translation answers automatically by detecting the users language and providing answers in that language dynamically. But after struggling a lot I am facing an issue (some time bot answer in user language some time it responds as it is saved in Kb) by Translation agent and with Chatgpt responses I have tried both but couldn't receive good results. Can anyone suggest something which will be helpful for me to translate answers to users in their query language
Hey there, Can you add a screenshot of your translator agent settings, and then a screenshot of it not translating properly
Yes sure let me share this
Here is responses I am starting the conversation with Hi is response proper when I ask in Indonesian language it translate the answer in Indonesian language but when I say Thank you it respond me again in Indonesian language and after when I ask for office location in English it respond in Indonesian language
I want to fix this user talk in English bot provide English language answer when I ask in Indonesian it responds in Indonesian language. Kindly guide me how I can achieve this.
That is very weird. I will just ping @famous-jewelry-85388 as he might know?
yes, sure please contact him I need to solve this.
it is only working 90% correctly when i give it proper long question in proper sentance But sometime it not translate it . When I use small talk queries it not trnaslate according to this. I wanna fix this dynamically on user base langauge change in bot and provide the answer
@famous-jewelry-85388 are you available sir, I really need you help here please provide your precious time.
did you fix the issue ?