add variable inside knowledge base url parameter
# 🤝help
Hey, i took and stored user order id in a variable order_id, now whenever user ask for order details i want ai to search in the given knowledge base url but with specific parameter such as order_id. Example: url in knowledge base is Whenever user asks for order details, ai should search on webpage with this url Is it possible?
Is the order data organized well in this URL you're using? What is the data format? Is it an excel sheet or a plain doc?
Hey there, You can see how Devmik does something like that here
Plain doc
I dont get it, please help
My bad, I can see that I sent the wrong link. Check this one out
I can also try something like that when I work next time with website search like those Puppeteer examples. Website searches can sometimes be tricky for AI. In my opinion, the perfect solution would be if that website has an API where you can track order IDs, then use that as an input for an AI task. The second-best option is to scrape the website (with Puppeteer or similar tool) and use the result as an AI task input.
Thankyou! Thats exactly what i was looking for.
I got it. Can you help me find out api calls of website? I have dm you the details. Help!
In the links you DM'd, after quickly browsing, I can't find any APIs. The best places for us to find if they provide an API for tracking orders are the FAQ section, the contact page, and, of course, their chatbot.
So i cant automate the tracking from that website? :/
Yeah i see that
There is no other way than using the apis, if it is hidden then you have to email them and get access as a developer.
Let's continue after they have answered 🛠️
Yeah hopefully