ChatGPT fallback technique
# 🤝help
Hi all, I am trying to use the chatgpt fallback method method but I can't understand why it is always going in the same expression, which is the fallback one, even if the answer was found in the KB. Could someone help please?
Make sure that you have Knowledge Agent enabled (that's always the first issue for me, because sometimes I have disabled it when testing something).
it is enabled and the manual answer is enabled as well
i thought i uploaded the screenshot as well, my bad. here it is:
I think there is a better method than this one that is currently set up. Let me share a ss...
these two expressions can be found in the 'Resources' > 'Quick Reference' in the bottom left corner, use an ! to signify the opposite
thank you @proud-memory-60003 , didnt think about that somehow
No worries!