Problem with category dropdowns
# 🤝help
Hi folks! I have a problem with the category dropdowns. I don't like the default ones in Botpress, and I would like to replace them with others that are more aesthetically pleasing. I've tried doing it with Styler, but I haven't found a way. Since I don't know programming, I have to rely on ChatGPT or Claude to help me, but I'm lost. Could you help me and tell me how I could do it? Here is an example photo of my current chatbot. Something like the one in style would be also good. Thanks!
I can help you a bit later on when Im on my PC but what I would do is right click when you are on the page click on the inspect tool use the detector (there isnt any name for it in the dev tools but basically the square at the top left of the tools you opened. Click on that and then hover your mouse on the part of the dropdown menu and click on it. You will get a class and you will add it to your stylesheet and add the properties you want. As I said, I'll do that for you a bit later
Ngl the worst thing I've done yet for trying to figure out something's class on my browser. Every time I try to inspect the dropdown it disappears
class= css-1w9j89e-menu
Found it. Add this code to your stylesheet and personalize that part of the code with the colors etc like you want: #react-select-2-listbox div div { background-color:black!important; color:white!important; } #react-select-2-listbox div div:hover{ background-color: blue!important; color:black!important; }
You may not see immediate results using the embed script, which is the reason why I would recommend you use either the configurable script or the Shareable URL to check the style of your dropdown
Hi! Thank you very much for the info. I will try this evening when I get home and will get back to you. Have you tried it yourself?
I tried it for modifying the dropdown menu not the buttons
That is my problem. I think I cannot be done 😦
You want to display the buttons like that?
Yeap. The dropdown menu looks pretty bad 😞
I know