Unlock tab
# šŸ¤help
Hi, just this morning, I am having this problem. I cannot edit my bot. Here is the error message. I tried clicking unlock tab but seems not to be working. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1226015778952839299/1226015779166879744/image.png?ex=66233b2c&is=6610c62c&hm=7057f747b9fcf1287b64eaa82ee3669d54a4c6431798ea7bb5a92b9d0d2ea8a3&
@jolly-helmet-37392 For me, that happens if I close the bot and open it again quickly. But clicking 'Unlock tab' makes it start working normally. You can also try this; I don't know if it helps in this situation, but it fixes many other weird browser errors. How to clear local storage Chrome
Copy code
1. Open the Google Chrome Console by pressing the F12 key.
2. Select ā€œApplicationā€ in the consoleā€™s top menu.
3. Choose ā€œLocal Storageā€ from the consoleā€™s left menu.
4. Right-click on your site(s) and click "Clear" to delete the local storage.
Copy code
1. Open the Developer Tools by pressing the F12 key.
2. Select ā€œStorageā€ in the developerā€™s top menu.
3. Choose ā€œLocal Storageā€ from the developerā€™s left menu.
4. Right-click on your site(s) and click "Delete All."
Copy code
1. Click the "Develop" menu and choose "Web Inspector."
2. Select ā€œStorageā€ from the top menu.
3. Choose ā€œLocal Storageā€ from the developerā€™s left menu.
4. Click on your site(s) and then click the trash icon at the top.
Copy code
1. Press F12 to open Developer Tools.
2. Go to the "Application" tab.
3. In the left sidebar, under the "Storage" section, click on "Local Storage."
4. Here, you'll see a list of sites with local storage. Right-click on the site whose local storage you want to clear and choose "Clear" to delete the local storage for that site.
Microsoft Edge
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1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Delete.
2. Select "Cookies and Cached Data," then click "Delete."
Older version of Microsoft's browser
Copy code
1. Throw your computer away.
2. Thank me later.
3. Just kidding, update to a better browser!
Thank you for you reply. I tried the method on Google Chrome but it is still not working. I also tried creating a new account and import my bot. Still not working. What's weird is, it is working in my other bot.
Sometimes when Botpress or some other program or cloud platform I use seems to be stuck, I just close my computer and even shut down the internet connection for five minutes šŸ’”
I asked ChatGPT why that works sometimes, when everything else doesn't: šŸ¤– ChatGPT šŸ” Yes, closing the computer (rebooting) and shutting down the internet connection for a few minutes can help if a program or cloud platform seems to be stuck, and there are several reasons why this might be effective: **Clearing Temporary Glitches: **Both software and hardware can experience temporary glitches or bugs that affect performance. Restarting the computer and resetting the internet connection can often clear these glitches by forcing the system and the network hardware (like routers and modems) to reboot. This process clears the RAM (Random Access Memory), stopping all current processes and giving the system a fresh start. **Network Connection Reset: **Internet connectivity issues can sometimes cause cloud-based applications to become unresponsive or behave unpredictably. Restarting your internet connection (by turning off your modem/router for a few minutes and then turning it back on) can reset your IP address, clear DNS cache, and resolve potential issues with stale or bad data that might have been causing connectivity problems. Software Updates: Sometimes, the issue might stem from outdated software that needs updating. Restarting the computer can trigger the installation of pending updates for the operating system or for specific programs, which might resolve the problem if it was caused by software bugs or compatibility issues.
System Resources: Programs that run for an extended period, especially those that consume a lot of resources, can cause memory leaks or resource contention, leading to system slowdowns or unresponsiveness. Restarting the computer frees up system resources and ensures that programs start fresh, potentially resolving any performance issues. Networking Equipment: Similar to computers, networking equipment like routers and modems can suffer from memory leaks or get bogged down by prolonged operation. Restarting these devices clears their internal memory and can resolve issues related to IP address conflicts, DNS problems, or degraded performance over time. In many cases, these steps can resolve temporary problems without the need to delve deeper into more complex troubleshooting or technical support. Itā€™s a simple and often effective first step in diagnosing and fixing issues with software and internet connectivity.
Hey there, It's most likely there because you have multiple tabs open of the studio. Make sure that you only have 1 tab open of the studio
Hi everyone, I have deleted all the variables and create again with diff names. And it worked! Thank you.
šŸ’” That's good to know! šŸ«”
I have restarted my computer, cleared Local storage, only having one tab open. Still face the same problem. See others are experiencing this as well. In earlier sessions I had unlock tab showing in top of screen which I did.
It do seem memory related. My smallest bots do not have any problems. If its a medium sized bot I can click a few places before I get the "Something wrong error"