Help for instagram approval
# 🤝help
Hello! I´ve been trying to get approval for the instagram_basic and instagram_manage_messages permissions on Meta, but I have been rejected a couple times. Also, I just found out that I need to create a Facebook login button, but I'm not sure on how to do that or where to add it on an instagram chatbot. If anyone here has experience with that, I would appreciate your help. And if you guide me through the process, I could even give you a part of the client's retainer once it's completed.
I personally would love yo help you but dont know much on that field. I tried like once to do instagram imtegration but didnt complete it because it required real business information which I didnt have. My best advice would be to look on YouTube and Google for support concerning these options
I appreciate that brother. I've been reading all the meta documentation and searching for tutorials on YouTube, but I haven't had much luck. Especially with the login button, which requires some coding.
And why do you want the instagram_basic and instagram_manage_messages ?