Webflow Bot Deployment Issue
# šŸ¤help
Hello! I was looking for some help with deploying my first bot. I followed the steps in the video below to try and deploy my bot to my Webflow webpage. I put the configured code in the footer section and nothing has happened. There Webflow page is super simple and only has a short gif as the background and then Iā€™d like the bot on there. The short gif is one telling them to hit the chat bubble to open up the bot. Do you know of any way to isolate why the bot isnā€™t working once I put the configured code into the footer section? I donā€™t see any evidence of the bot being there, like the gray text bubble popping up for me to click on.


you could type this into the browser console (F12) to check if the webchat loaded successfully: window.botpressWebChat.sendEvent({ type: 'toggle' })