How to make the bot wait for user input after sen...
# 🤝help
Have a requirement to send Whatsapp flow and wait for user input. Am using execute code to send the flow message and wrote a wrapper webhook to convert nfm_reply to text whatsapp message. But the bot is treating that as a new message and is not continuing the conversation. How do I make the bot continue the conversation while using execute code to send flow message?
are you using the webhook integration or using the API directly to send the message from inside the execute code card?
also some screenshots of your setup would be helpful 🙂
Using webhook integration for sending text messages and using API for sending flow messages. Please find screenshot of the design.
Would you mind sharing. Report id so I can have a look at your bot directly? @square-energy-41150
# Sending a Problem Report Here's how to send the Botpress Team a problem report: 1. In the Botpress Cloud Studio, locate the "Help" icon in the bottom left corner of the screen. 2. Click "Report a problem" and follow the steps on the screen. 3. Copy the Report ID to your clipboard and provide it to a member of the Botpress Team on Discord.
@rich-battery-69172 Thanks. Created a problem ticket - report_01HV3450XMVRKDAG7CBHAEFT93