How can I send the result of a query to the chat w...
# 🤝help
I am starting to use botpress, but I cannot understand the documentation well, I have done several things, but I still do not understand well how to send the results obtained from a query to datatable1 to the chat of the user who performed an action. If you can tell me the correct path to take to develop in the best way with botpress, it would be perfect.
Have you checked the #1120796649686573086 and #1132038253109837994 sections? There are many examples and basically, all do exactly that. You can read the comments, download the bot file, and get some ideas.
Checking buddy, I indicate some progress
Also, if you want to become a Knowledge Base power user

Thank you friend, I already saw how to send to the chat, I have a lot of doubts haha, but you will see the video you send me, my native language is Spanish and I have a very basic English and mostly technical for some programming things. I would like to know the subject of making the enquiries. But I'll investigate more, and then if I need support, I'll raise my hand. Grateful, greetings from Venezuela
@cuddly-oxygen-15758 then start with these great videos

const datos = await Data1Table.findRecords({ filter: { categoria: { "$exists": true } } }) const categories = [ Set( => record.categoria))] workflow.test = categories
If it yields the result I was looking for, now I'm going to see how to make the results buttons so that the user can decide which option to choose