How to disable cache for testing
# 🤝help
While building the bot I can't test it because I still get the same results even though I have a temperature set to 0.4-0.5. Whenever I test it I don't know if the response is from cache or actual. When I copy and paste the same prompt to a different bot suddenly I get different results - many times incorrect. It's really difficult to build it properly if I don't know if the response is factual or not.
Hey there, I take it that we are talking about the AI Task card? If so then you should be able to check the logs to see if the answer was cached or not
Interesting, but I don't see this information and the response is exactly the same each time. I can repeat it one by one and get immediately the same result.
Could you attach a screenshot of the logs of an AI Task running?
Sorry, I see it cached
But don't know how to stop it from caching
I am honestly not sure if you can. Maybe its something that @rich-battery-69172 has some workaround for?
The only thing I can do is to change the model from 3.5 to 4 and back but it's not nice to do it each time
I tried different techniques to clear it but none of it worked for me - don't know why. To be honest, I think I was fighting the whole day for nothing because I didn't notice that it was a cache so my changes were not reflected as they supposed to be.
I just thought I was constantly making mistakes or that my prompts were incorrect. This "false-positive" result confused me - I didn't notice it.
I don't know if this helps in your use case, but this is how we tested and finally solved in some other projects
Overall, I understand the concept; I wonder if this is only a user- or bot-related cache. What I see is a problem when one user generates an incorrect response. The other ones will get the same one, and the error will replicate. I think this was my mistake because I didn't notice it before and I spent one day fixing something that was unfixable - actually it worked correctly but one response was incorrect and kept replicating all the time. Today, without changes to the prompts, I got the correct responses, at least expected.