Zendesk integration issues
# 🤝help
Hi, I tried to integrate Zendesk with my chatbot, but I have some issues. As you can see on these screenshot, I don't know why I see some Zendesk interactions. I've just set up "a create ticket Zendesk" card with our chatbot, but It seems that the chatbot interacts with other clients through Zendesk 🤔. Can you help me please ? Thanks https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1228236721469128704/1228236721716465685/CleanShot_2024-04-12_at_08.42.24.png?ex=662b4f95&is=6618da95&hm=b73c022089c83b4ad6771eca0d1a64ee02c26d39f678550101d04edd9d929ff2&
Hey Fred, can you post a picture of your bot set-up ?
and the bot itself ?
Hi @cold-jewelry-54343 , what do you want to know exactly ? the workflow ? the Zendesk settings ? ...
as much info as you can provide but speficailly the workflow so we can take a look
Thanks for your help
can you upload the bot itself ? it is very difficult to see what's going on currently.
Hello @cold-jewelry-54343 , do you have any idea ? thanks
@bland-beard-37494 Im taking a look for you now 🙂 first off: the "trigger event" does not replace the start node, you would still need to connect it alongside the trigger https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1228236721469128704/1230081086655303690/brave_Fjdw7dkKe1.png?ex=66320548&is=661f9048&hm=e4a49666805cd9ad7854d5486ae94a7a898ef7ec264415400b1d26e66bd0ffbb&
But my issue is than the bot answers some of our Zendesk tickets without any interactions between the bot and a customer. It seems to take some of your own Zendesk tickets and try to answer them
do you have knowledbe base enabled on your capture cards ? if so try disabling them and re-test
I have only one card with KB enabled