How do i use memory when sending question to a dif...
# 🤝help
I have the problem where when i get the input from user in botpress, i want to answer it using ai. So thats where flowise comes in. Everything works, but the memory as every time i send the question to flowise the memory does not transfer from botpress.
Hey there, When you say memory, do you mean the previous messages sent from the user and bot?
I have the same problem and don't really know how to handle this
Are you guys using the summary agent?
I have it on. Should I turn it off? By the way Decay, I want to use flowise to answer the questions of the user without having to ask the same question over and over again, Is there a way? As you can see in the pic, I would like to give the user the option to just write again so flowise can answer. But instead, I had to set up a loop to go back to the "question" But in this case, it would ask the same question, which makes it quite repetitive. Is there a way to do it?
If possible I would like to remove the multiple choise and have just one saying "go back to the main menu" but I would also like to have the chance so if the user keeps writing, it goes but to flowise to anwswer. I don't know if I made myself undertood properly.
Basically, what I want to do is to have the answer of the person and right after show a choice so they can go back to the main menu or, if they keep asking for something, have flowise to to respond and looping that until they click on "go back to the main menu"
Nono, keep it on. You can use its variables to send over a transcript or a summary of the conversation to Flowise.
Have you tried adding another node that does the same, but it's setup like you are describing right there? So it would go to that node after having answered the first question, then you could just loop that node, unless they pick "go back to the main menu"
Will give it a go. Thanks!
Keep me posted