Custom bot deployment
# 🌎general
Hey there and welcome 🤗 Feel free to checkout this YouTube videoâ–ľ

Hi there. Thought I’d create a thread so I don’t message bomb others. Just saw the video, thank you! This is great for a OpenAI gpt based solution where everything is native to OpenAI. If I had my own trained LLM, that’s currently local, and/or is being trained locally via langchain. Is deployment through your services still possible?
Good idea to create a thread! Ah right, I see. Botpress has a card called Execute code. It comes with Axios installed, so you could just use the LLM that you have trained via an API. Maybe use Ngrok to create a free gateway.
This tutorial uses but it's the same principles
Thank you! I’ll crack my knuckles and get to reading/watching 🙂 I know I’m asking a lot but Is there a support option available if I can’t hack it?
I take it that you are on the free tier of Botpress. If so then you have the community support, which is great! The Botpress team often joins in and helps answer some of the questions. Feel free to create a post in #1111009377525186570
I am but happy to join the paid tier if need be I just wasn’t sure if I’m in the right place yet. I take it the paid tier has more custom support? Either way, I’ll get to work with the resources you gave.
The team tier has live-chat support, but I am sure that we can figure it out, without having to upgrade
Best of luck, and let me know if you figure it out
Right on 👍🏼 Thanks for the chat!
You are very welcome