Sharing OpenAI GPTs with Chrome Extension
# 🤝help
Hi, I'm a complete noob here. I'd really appreciate it if you could help me understand a few things about Botpress. I came across this YouTube video titled, "Share OpenAI GPTs with this Chrome Extension," that was uploaded by Botpress three months ago. I'd like to confirm my understanding. So, normally, GPTs (or GPT tools) can only be created and used within the ChatGPT subscription account (the $20 subscription). So, what this video is saying, using the Chrome extension, we can embed a GPT in our website (or any chat platforms like Whatsapp) and it will function just like those GPTs. Am I right so far? So, my questions are as follows: 1. Where do we store the sources of information (i.e., documents for the knowledge base), in GPT or Botpress' KB? 2. If I understand correctly, we need to add some money in the OpenAI Assistant account for the token usage thing. In addition, we need to subscribe for the ChatGPT account (the $20/month subscription fee). Is this understanding correct? So, doesn't this make it more expensive than building an OpenAI Assistant GPT and then connecting it with Botpress? So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using these two methods? 3. Botpress seems able to function like GPTs if appropriate and enough sources of information are provided in its KB. So, what is the advantage or the additional advantage of connecting Botpress with a GPT or OpenAI GPT Assistant? Thank you! Best regards, Silvan
Hi @modern-caravan-98356 thanks for joining here. Your understanding is pretty good. I'll try to answer your questions to best of my knowledge but maybe @acceptable-gold-88171 can jump in if I'm wrong 0- using the Chrome extension, we can embed a GPT in our website (or any chat platforms like Whatsapp) and it will function just like those GPTs. Am I right so far? Yes with that chrome ext, a gpt that you've built, an openai subscription and a free botpress account you can embed it on your website using our webchat channel integration or any other channel integration listed on botpress hub
1- **Where do we store the sources of information (i.e., documents for the knowledge base), in GPT or Botpress' KB?**: This chrome ext allows you to embed your GPT, behind the scene what it does is simply create a bot from a template on your botpress workspace, whenever that bot receives a message it will relay the messages to your GPT so you don't have to store KB in botpress. But say you endup liking the Botpress platform and its ecosystem more, you can totally change your bot, move the knowledge in a botpress KB, add custom features and ditch your GPT all along.
2- **If I understand correctly, we need to add some money in the OpenAI Assistant account for the token usage thing. In addition, we need to subscribe for the ChatGPT account (the $20/month subscription fee). Is this understanding correct? So, doesn't this make it more expensive than building an OpenAI Assistant GPT and then connecting it with Botpress? So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using these two methods? ** I might be biased on this one but if you haven't started building your GPT yet, I recommend you start building with Botpress straight up as starting is free and we give you a generous free tier so you can keep on building without bleeding dollars to OpenAI. Also keep in mind that whenever your Botpress bot calls OpenAi, Botpress does't make any markup on the token usage. I might have drifted a little bit so TLDR for this one: chrome ext is good if you already have a GPT. Start with Botpress if you start from scratch 🙂
3- Botpress seems able to function like GPTs if appropriate and enough sources of information are provided in its KB. So, what is the advantage or the additional advantage of connecting Botpress with a GPT or OpenAI GPT Assistant? I'm not sure I get your question right. Essentially Botpress introduced the concept of KB before OpenAI. The knowlege you give to botpress will be ingested, embedded and stored in a vector database. Whenever a question from your users come in botpress will perform among other things a search step and then an answer generation step (recenelty dubbed as RAG). I can't speak about the inner functionning of OpenAi GPTs but I tend to say they do the same. So on the Pure KB side I would say Botpress and OpenAi are relatively equivalent. But that's not only where botpress shines, there is also a builtin LLM-first database (dubbed as tables) that your chatbot and query, a growing Hub of community & botpress built plugins ( dubbed as integrations ), ready to use templates, more flexibility and control over how your bot behaves, debugging, production monitoring, analytics, and so on. TLDR you don't have to connect Botpress with a GPT you don't really need a GPT. It's really if you already have one GPT, connecting it to botpress will give it superpowers 🙂
I hope this was detailed enough for you and I can't wait to see what you'll be building. Cheers ✌️
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. So, generally speaking, BotPress alone is enough to build a chatbot as long as its KB is well-prepared. The Chrome Ext is useful for moving an already well-built GPT from the ChatGPT environment to somewhere else, like WhatsApp or a website so that others can use it without accessing (or subscribing to) OpenAI ChatGPT.