Error trying to import a big file.
# 🤝help
I have an exported Botpress studio file that won't import because of a supposed error. The file is big, almost 4000 lines in the exported bot.json object. The error is 'End of data reached (data length = 197397, asked index = 205621). Corrupted zip ?' I get this error even when starting from a fresh workspace. A zip of the file I am trying to import is here.
Can you try and import the .bpz file
Pardon... Decay's message was not for me.
this was for you - you should be importing a bpz file, not a .zip file
I did import a .bpz file. I confirm I opened the file in Notepad and then tried to import the file to Botpress. The error from Botpress does mention "corrupt zip" but I don't know why it thinks my upload was a zip.
Except that .bpz is a zipfile?