Datatable not getting all the records
# 🤝help
I haven't tried it with such large datasets. If everything works with a smaller number of records (as it has worked for both of us so far), then my best guess is that it has something to do with KB table limits or other limits. If there are any error messages, those will provide more information.
nope, I have no errors
Yeah, It's rare bc I have 610 records. And I'm getting 593 from the webhook to my table
@bumpy-butcher-41910 Do you know if may be the limit of botpress tables
610 records is well below the limit of botpress tables
We have run into some issues with only 20 table rows if they exceed the row limit. Then you also need to set these: "The 'factor' multiplies the row's data storage limit by 4KB and its quota count, but can only be set at table creation and not modified later. For instance, a factor of 2 increases storage to 8KB but counts as 2 rows in your quota. The default factor is 1."