WhatsApp integration to production
# 🤝help
Hey guys I have a chatbot on Whatsapp but my meta app is in development and not in production. I would like to know how to put it ready to production, that includes: Buying a number for the bot to use instead of the test one that meta gives, putting the app to production itself and lastly be able to customize the whatsapp profile I know it is not related to botpress itself but its an integration. If anyone has already done this process I would love your help on this Thanks
hey @enough-advantage-51173 I have done this before. let me see if i can pull the answers off my head.
You can go check it out and let me know how it goes: You can only go to production when you have verified your business otherwise they are going to let you go to production and they will cut off your app few days later. You can use any number if its easy to get a new sm card in your country. Just make sure the number is not on WhatsApp. you can even use any number you have now and you can change it exactly where you choose the test number I think WhatsApp profile is in your Meta Business settings, choose the app you want to edit and go to its profile settings(I will have to cross check again to know the exact step by step by you can try this for now)
Thanks a lot mate
I will try to do it and then I will get back on you