Doubt of Botpress V12
# 🤝help
Hi everyone! I would like to know if someone can help me with a doubt that i have and i didnt find a clear answer in botpress documentation. I understand that there are two versions of Botpress: Community ( V12 ) and Paid ( Cloud ). My doubt is: What are the terms to use Botpress Community Version for commercial purposes? Can i use it to build a solution for a company that i work in a dedicated infrastructure? Or there are some limitations to it? If there is some place where i cand find this information i appreciate it also. Thanks in advance!
Botpress Cloud is used for commercial purposes across the globe - it's our flagship product offering what do you mean by "dedicated infrastructure"?
I mean to use Botpress V12 in a infrastructure by myself, like download the V12 binaries*ffh5cs*_ga*MTYzNjk3MDgzNy4xNzE0NDMyMTI1*_ga_HKHSWES9V9*MTcxNDQzMjEyNS4xLjEuMTcxNDQzMjczMi4wLjAuMA.. and hosting the Community Solution in a server of mine in a machine in GCP or AWS for example. I'm trying to understand if this is allowed or whether in order to use Botpress for commercial purposes and not for personal use we need necessarily to use Botpress Cloud and pay for the plans offered
there's no need to pay for Botpress, commercial use or personal otherwise - you'll just need to pay as your bots use more of their messages and events, etc
you can use v12 for commercial purposes if you want to host the bot yourself, but we don't support v12 anymore and aren't pushing new updates or fixes to v12
I see, ok, thank you @bumpy-butcher-41910