Does BotPress use RAG?
# 🤝help
How does BotPress handle it's knowledge base searching?
Yes it does
Hi. Is it possible to configure the effectivity of information retrieval? Chunk sizes, etc? Or perhaps do you have information on the best practices on building knowledge bases (or using the built-in RAG system)? - Is it better to divide the information into multiple documents? - Do I not input transcripts but rather have it processed to the main points? - Heavily format the text data with headings (if that helps??)
yes, you can customize chunk sizes
take a look at your Knowledge Agent settings in the studio 🙂
multiple documents won't help, unless you want to be granular about which searches you're performing
i.e., limiting the scope of a certain query
headings and formatting should help - we see good results by formatting things as a Q&A as well, for instance
Isn't it just the amount of chunks, and not the size.
Amount of chunks is the only option in there, and it's already set to max at 50 anyways.
To add on again, chunking happens over multiple documents? So that's why there is no benefit in splitting information over multiple documents?
it is indeed the amount of chunks, yes!
which you can reduce to reduce the cost/latency of your queries