# šŸ‘€feature-requests
I would like the composerPlaceholder text to only be displayed until the user has submitted their first message. I wanted it to say "Say Hi to Chatty" so the user knows where to type and what to say - but after they've said "Hi", I either want it to go away or change to something else (like "type your message here").
This can be done by using the Configure Webchat action card like this:
Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m looking for, but I donā€™t seem to have the ā€œConfig Webchatā€ option available to me. Where can I find it?
oh sorry i think you need access to triggers. please request it in #1121833577659768893
Okay - so Iā€™ve got the beta features now and this works great in a published bot - but it seems to break the studio emulator. Best I could do to workaround it was to add an expression {{}} !== ā€œemulatorā€ and branch to an intermediate node to change the placeholder. Is there somewhere I should be reporting this issue?
@early-train-33247 šŸ˜„
Hey @rapid-manchester-41665, what do you mean by breaking the emulator? You get an "unknown error" message?
Yes. And the flow stops.
errorAn unexpected error occurred. [Error, An unknown error occurred]
Alright, I have reported it! Will let you know once this is fixed!
You should divide your flow somewhat like this, so you only have Webchat cards when the conversation starts from a trigger. But if the flow ends up in the same node at some moment and you need to differentiate, using the
{{}} !== 'emulator'
expression is a good approach!ā–¾

Thank you. I was trying to use the placeholder text to communicate instructions for the response - for example ā€œ123 Main St, Springfield, OH, 43235ā€ when I ask for the address or ā€œSelect one of the options aboveā€ - so I was going to change it frequently. But having to workaround with an expression each time made that approach completely unfeasible. So Iā€™m not using it at all now until the problem is fixed.