Ability to upload files , pictures ...
# 👀feature-requests
the user should be to able to upload all sort of files. (Not talking about the bot , but the user who is engaging with the bot)
Hi Nada, for clarity for the devs, must the uploaded file be accessible just for the duration of that user session and be destroyed when done? Or must it be added to a repository that the bot across multiple users has access to?
for my case needs , the uploaded file could be destroyed at the end of the session.
I think the developer should have an option either to keep or destroy for a user!
i think for the sessions if enough already. as soon as the file is upload, the bot builder has all the option to store the file outside botpress, using and api, etc. So just being able to send files is already sufficient. any
when you stor eyour file, you can access it any time. i dont think it should be necessary to store it on botpress, in my opinion
Please add this 🙏
adding my 2c. I definitely require this. Currently I can't even log when a user does upload an image. even a simple image recieved notice that I could then outsource the processing via an api call would be great
Totally agry, any file, audio file, image, document like pdf or docx file.
Please add this feature...it is really required
+1 the upload feature for users would be really helpful
We can already upload files by using some coding


+1 for the upload feature for users
Hi there, thanks for sharing the video looks very promising i want to know how is the file you added goes into the backend goes into the KB?
Currently I don't think botpress allows documents upload to KB. Right now yiu can save these docs into your own server
It could help in getting docs from clients during onboarding
and how do i add whose documents in KB so that i can ask question from the pdf
that's great !! how can we use those please ?
Hi, do you provide your code on github? I would be very interested to know more about the upload feature.
I am currently bulding integrations for all of the features I have built, but yes feel free to reach out for getting them for yourself
Hi, does anyboday know if there is an API-Endpoint to upload a file into a certain knowledge base? Thanks for your help.
Hi everybody. Does somebody know how to achieve this file upload which i shown in @gentle-shampoo-88367 youtube video? Would love to use this
Devmik made a great tutorial on it here https://discord.com/channels/1108396290624213082/1189632494241321180 I have a bot that lets users upload images, and then analyze them with GPT-V. I did it via Base64 or uploading the files to an S3-Bucket. The code is open source, if you want to check it out https://botpress.com/templates/openai-api-template