Unedited YT Tutorial
# 👀feature-requests
Hi there! I'm following a long with your YT tutorial. I am quite impressed with everything overall and I'd like to offer some feedback for future tutorials that I'm sure you have planned for the Youtube Channel. I think an unedited, long live video of creating a bot would be helpful. As I understand the point of editing out simple, smaller parts to get the point across of the building the bot. An unedited version would leave out less inferring and can give an overall real example of how quickly it is to generate a bot for a users website. For example, in episode 3/10 in the YT series. We are given a prompt to generate our code to call an API. A thought-out unedited version of this code generation prompt being explained while being typed can show the thought processes of the typed prompt. Hopefully not beating a dead horse with this suggestion. Something that just came to my mind and did not want to forget 🙂 Thanks team!
Hey @tall-petabyte-97072 thanks for the feedback. Have you checked out the live events (office hours), they go through everything step by step and also go way more in depth on specific features. The recordings are available on the youtube channel on demand. As for your request adding @bumpy-butcher-41910 for visibility
hey @tall-petabyte-97072! you're spot on - we're currently at working putting together more resources like this so our users can get a better sense of what building on Botpress is like. thanks for this helpful suggestion, they're immensely useful 🙂
keep an eye on #1119000061955801219 in the coming weeks where we'll share what we're working on!
in the meantime, as JB said, come hang out on our weekly office hours (the event's in our sidebar, they're every thursday at 11am EST)
Hi Team! @freezing-printer-49373 @bumpy-butcher-41910 Thanks for the replies back. Ill will def check out resources in regards to building bots. Happy to see you guys are open to this idea and have it already on the table. Excited to create my own
share your bots on #1120796649686573086 if you feel like it 👀
wouldy ou happen to know if sitemaps are able to be put into these bots?
for example indexing a site? I tried to createa ticket but dont think ive seen a response yet.
Hey @tall-petabyte-97072 i cant find your ticket, can you point me to it?
ooh trying to understand your question, do you mean knowledge bases? I wonder if this's what you're looking for: https://botpress.com/docs/cloud/studio/knowledge-base/
I see Bassam in my ticket right now actually. He said XML isn't possible but maybe indexing is? Realistically I'd like to prompt users with yes or no questions, get them to where they need and if any further questions are asked/needed. The bot could index my website and look through all my web pages to find the possible answer.
Ty for sharing, will take a look at docs
ooh bassam's great hehe
yeah sounds like knowledge bases might be helpful to you
Awesome, thanks guys