Oxford citation
# 👀feature-requests
When receiving an answer from the knowledge bot, It would be great to get the citation of it in a style like the Oxford citation Style (for a scientific PDF paper). An additional feature would be that the bot could understand if it is a primary or secondary citation (if the author cited another paper in his own paper).
Is it even possible to cite the source? because if that's possible you could change the document tittle to an Oxford citation style and reference it. But I am not sure if it's possible to make a bot that references the source documents when answering questions. That would be really useful 😃 @cold-motherboard-82208
It is imposssible the way the current vector store is built - the incoming text is liteally cut into small pieces without any further reference. It does not KNOW anymore than 5 snippets that seem to match. I work on a different architecture for other projects - more a complex vectorized library with referencs and research AI that also looks before and after and stuff like that - but that is MUCH more ocmplex can of worms.