Rename AI tasks and cards.
# 👀feature-requests
It would be amazing if I could rename cards. Having the icon is already telling me what type of card it is, having a custom name means I can quickly at a glance remember what each card DOES. Having a list of 4-5 AI tasks or execute codes in a row is annoying clicking into everything to remember what is happening.
@brave-dawn-96867 perhaps we could also use GPT to auto-generate better labels for cards? based on the prompt etc
Why not both!? 😄 I think both would be fine solutions... the micro organizer in me would prefer to label things exactly how I want though, so I can either have consistent naming conventions, or when I want to reference the purpose of what the specific card is doing in the grand scheme of things, not necessarily a word for word desciption of what the card is doing.
@brave-dawn-96867 this has been shipped! you can't rename an AI Card, but at least now it shows which variable it is setting
you're amazing.
Usually the variable you are updating if it is smartly named, should be a good enough hint for what you're tryingto do, as usually you want to have separate AI tasks when you're doing different variables. Hope someday to be able to have that granularity/control in naming, but I think this will already save me tons of time, as well as prevent me from getting out of the flow getting frustrated clicking on the wrong cards constantly.