Developer view change ?
# 🤝help
Hello, sorry to bother everyone, I somehow have enabled developer view or some kind of description view that I cannot figure out how to to change. Everything is showing up with its descriptor, for example, the single choice Capture information is showing as : FieldType.SingleChoice Can anyone help me revert this back ?
I actually want to know what you did too for the opposite reasons.
sigh, i thought it must be a keyboard shortcut or command, - (i thought i was typing into a different window) i've looked online at the Botpress KB but cant seem to find it
@freezing-printer-49373 - sorry to ping you directly, but im sure this is an easy fix. Is there a developer view I can turn off ?
im such a noob and this is killing me 😅
Haha you just thought me this was possible, let me see internally if someone knows about this mode.
You need to delete a cookie called debuglang
Open the Browser Developer Tools, look for the Application tab, and go to LocalStorage, now look for the debuglang entry, delete it or set it to false!
thanks @early-train-33247 dod you happen to know how to activate it?
Honestly I should have thought to delete cookies/browser data. I was just so specific. Thank you ! I just deleted all cookies from chrome and that fixed it. 🙂
I'm not sure about the keyboard combination that enables this mode, but i'm creating an issue about that. It should be harder to enable and easier to disable.
Good to know!