Not a chat bot pop up.
# 🤝help
I know this maybe a silly question but, Is it possible to create a bot press chat bot, that is not a pop-up. But embedded on a web page? Still built with botpress. Only chat widget pop up style is available that I see right now.
This has been requested but can't do it now. Pretty sure that is coming soon.
Actually the webchat, can be completely customized to be embeded into a webpage. It would require pretty extensive css and html knowledge to be achieved, but i have seen users do it in the past.
@freezing-printer-49373 the styling at the link you provided still serves a pop-up style chat window, is there any documentation on how to actually embed it within the page, like an FAQ page that has the chat window in place of a search bar? I've been playing around by creating a div titled chatbot-container and adding a statement to the script like "container": "#chatbot-container" but I haven't gotten anything to work. any ideas?
unfortunetly i'm not a developer myself and my technical know how is not super advanced. Let me ping @bright-magazine-792 he has alot of experience with our webchat, he might have done this previously.
Hey @bland-actor-38038 do you mean to have a chatbot always opened on your website?
@bright-magazine-792 the intent is to have the chat embedded and always open on one singular page, the FAQ page, so that it serves almost like a search engine. One of our two user groups will be landing directly on this page when they have questions or issues. the rest of the website will have a normal bubble/popup integration.
It took some tweaking because of recent updates but I got this work pretty much exactly how the client envisioned, ty!