chatbot wix integration issues
# šŸ¤help
hi there, I built my first botpress chat bot. I intended for it to go on my wix website. I selected the pre-configured code from my chat bot and then went over to wix and placed it in an embedded code element. Nothings showing once Iā€™ve added the code into the wix element. Does anyone know how to help with this?
Same problem. I think the botpress doesn't alow iframes.
I think it needs to be inside the head tag
I needed to show it inside a popup windows. in a iframe inside the popup.
When I go into Dev mode I donā€™t see any of the head or body tags. Itā€™s kind of weird, not the usual html when you work on that side of a website.
Search up 'custom code'
then put it in here
use the full configurable code
Okay so I popped in the botpress code to the body as you suggested, but nothings showing up on my home page. Did you add more then just that code snippet?
It'll only show on the actual published website
Doesn't show on the preview page in the editor for some reason
I managed to embed my chatbot within my Wix website using the embed HTML. I only found that you can't click on buttons on the website as they are behind the code which initially appears transparent as it allows the chat bubble to open into the chat.
message has been deleted
Thank you!
Thanks for posting this Huntty. This thread resolved the same problem I was running into.