Found a way to hide "created with botpress"??
# 🤝help
I know there's a toggle feature to hide this 'created with botpress' but unfortunately nothing happens when i toggle it on/off. let me know what y'all have been doing to hide this feautre. huge blocker for me right now.
Did you use the pre-configured integration or the configurable integration? Can you share your configuration code for the website?
@icy-raincoat-40554 there shareable url doesn't always update based on the settings you choose but they do update within the pre configured code for websites.
@echoing-cat-6473 I see, thanks for letting me know. I’m trying to figure out how to have the chat always open.. hoping to have a live demo where users don’t have to click on the chat button. The shareable URL does that for me
@echoing-cat-6473 There was a bug with the shareable webchat not updating some settings like the placeholder or bot description, but it has been fixed since a few days ago ✅ @icy-raincoat-40554 We'll look into the issue with the Created with Botpress checkbox, though 🧐
@famous-zoo-73118 thank you!