CSS Style for chatbot does not work
# 🤝help
I can't make the css style the chatbot, the website background changes so the problem is not the file name/location. Any help? The css code was generated with https://styler.botpress.app/
Hi you need to use the configurable code for web chat, like this and also the css value in the object must be in a URL form
Also your webpage or website css should be in a seperate css file, And the bot's CSS file should be inside the configuable html as shown above which you can find in botpress>integrations>webchat>Confgurable
But if you are using Webchat Styler to style your chatbot, then all you have to do is copy the link that the Webchat styler does and go to Botpress> your bot> integrations and enter it here
thank you
@future-action-19564 I am doing the same thing but is not working can you please take a look
the difference is that just I am using "pre-configured" script
You may have to republish the bot. Or it may be a cache problem, in which case here's a pro tip. Append "/?v=1" to the end of the css url, like ".../style.css/?v=1" where the v and the number can each be anything. I use v for version. This is all ignored but gets around caching problems.
Pre configured integration will not work with this. Just click configurable next to the preconfigured tab and copy paste that into ur HTML
after changes in styles and in general style , I saved configuration and it also shows in chat but in my react the same deployed bot can't even update or changed ?