Questions related pricing, document storage, logs,...
# 🤝help
Guys, Its amazing to see so much energy flowing here in this group, I am drawing from it to create my first bot ever and perhaps take it to market. But before I can do that I need to understand a few fundamental things- 1. Where do the documents get stored that are loaded into Botpress knowledge base? 2. What is the pricing model like - is it per user? 3. If my bot uses Stack AI GPT 3.5 or even 4 will the customer have to pay for this based on token usage and also botpress? 4. Does every user need a unique Botpress account? (thinking more from an enterprise level) 5. Does Botpress integrate with MS AD for SSO? 6. How to export logs to report out on what questions was the bot asked? (I know there is a payload with some params but nothing beyond this) 7. What about the chat history? Can this be saved in some meaningful way? Looking forward to hear from you!