Intents are not matched for the first message
# 🤝help
Intent transitions are not being matched for the first user input. I have two intents right after the Start node in the Main flow, but they are never matched even when typing the exact training phrases. Is that a bug or could I be doing something wrong? 🤔
Are these Global Intents or Inline intents? I've had the same frustrating issue. I could never get Global intents to match. I had the same issue with inline, but I think what worked for me was reloading the bot and recreating the intent (or re-writing the first example of the intent.
These are intent from the library (global), but I also tried with inline ones... It's quite odd
My inline ones didn't work while I had the globals in the flow. I removed them and then rewrote the inline ones and they started to work, so there might be a bug underneath. Frustrating because there is no logging explaining why the match isn't being made, even when you are writing the exact text of the intent! 🙂
I will try this workaround later, thanks!
hey @early-train-33247 did you get this working? i've tried to replicate the bug but somehow couldn't
Hey @rich-battery-69172 not yet...
the intent transition is right after the start
the transitions can be either inline or from the library, neither works
i logged the event.nlu after sending "postar" as the first message. It seems to catch the intent, but the transition doesn't happen
Copy code
{ errored: false,
  openbook_model_id: '9e8cf5d497eaa21c.d208c1c3dae45987',
   [ { id: 'ins-8617a34079',
       text: 'Execute action: postar-carona',
       topic_id: 'tpc-global',
       topic_title: 'Global',
       topic_desc: 'Generic questions and answers (matches any topic)',
       subtopic_id: 'flow:confere-intent',
       subtopic_title: 'confere-intent',
       subtopic_desc: 'Actions the user can request the chatbot to do while being in the confere-intent flow',
       attachments: [Object],
       confidence: 0.8508200138880104 } ],
   [ { id: 'ins-03fa8c457a',
       text: 'Execute action: postar-carona',
       topic_id: 'tpc-global',
       topic_title: 'Global',
       topic_desc: 'Generic questions and answers (matches any topic)',
       subtopic_id: 'flow:sourceflow',
       subtopic_title: 'sourceflow',
       subtopic_desc: 'Actions the user can request the chatbot to do while being in the sourceflow flow',
       attachments: [Object] },
and this is my postar-carona (post ride) intent
Mmm what are the first two transitions of the check-intents node? That’s very weird, they shouldn’t look like that 😲
actually all of botpress looks like that haha. I think i clicked somewhere and activated this detailed naming of labels
I got it working by using inline intents only, there is still a bug around
That was fixed in the latest release!
Would you believe I am having problems still?
the intent is recognized but the transition doesn't happen
No matter where the intent transition is
To be precise, it worked once after I reloaded botpress to the new version. But then after making changes to some intents it stopped. Quite odd
That’s very odd but I have an idea what might be happening in your case. I’ll let you know tomorrow, another fix coming
Alright 🙏
I might have found another problem. The first intent (search) is being matched even though the second (post) has a higher confidence score
I guess that the system considers more than the confidence right
@rich-battery-69172 Here the confidence is even higher, but the second intent is matched still
i'm having the same issue here , intents are not matching with what i want , hope it gets fixed asap :/
yeah I think the problem here is that since they are both elected, it will flow to the first one checked. would it make sense to always only elect one intent? dual-election used to be useful back in the pre-GPT days
Maybe you could keep dual-election, but ultimately decide the match based on the confidence score. This would help debugging since we could see what are the other close matches, and refine our intents accordingly.
@early-train-33247 this should be fixed now @modern-finland-97226
it is working fine for me now sorry for not saying earlier.